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International Women's Day-Together We Shine


“Inequality isn’t always easy to see…women hold 81% fewer leadership positions than men and women in the US on average are paid 20% less than men.” *

Sad yet true…and the stats would be comparable for Canada and even our own Greater Moncton.

Equality is not a women`s issue it`s a business issue.

General equality is essential for economies and communities to thrive.

A gender equal world can be healthier, wealthier and more let`s make it happen...Let`s be #EachforEqual

Calling on PEOPLE to be the change agents for inclusion and diversity again as we celebrate International Women’s Day, this year on Wednesday, March 11, 2020.

Le thème pour l’édition 2020 de la Journée internationale des femmes est « Je suis de la Génération Égalité : Levez-vous pour les droits des femmes ». L’égalité n’est pas seulement un enjeu social, mais aussi économique. L’égalité des genres mène à une plus grande prospérité pour la communauté. Nous faisons à chacun pour devenir un agent de changement, afin de promouvoir le mercredi 11 mars 2020 l’inclusion et la diversité. 

Venez développer vos compétences en leadership, dépasser vos a priori et améliorer vos connaissances en marketing et sur LinkedIn. Allez plus loin avec votre marque, votre entreprise, votre carrière et votre réputation.


Speaker, Columnist, Author & High Performance Expert

Each for Equal – Embracing Your Individual Leadership for Collective Change

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #EachforEqual – based on the concept of “Collective Individualism” which is the notion that individual actions matter, and they add up. In this workshop you’ll explore how to tap into your own leadership abilities. Do you ever think you’re too stuck in your comfort zone and need super human courage to start a new chapter? Come learn about how to tap into higher levels of confidence and pursue those big dreams you’ve always imagined. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of how to project leadership, reframe your mindset around risk taking for career growth, and even dive into a personal action plan for career advancement.

Robyn Tingley is a speaker, trainer and author who presents to audiences worldwide about diversity and leadership. She is the president of GlassSKY Inc., a consulting firm with services including strategic communications, organizational effectiveness, diversity & inclusion, educational offerings and research. She has lived and worked around the world as a corporate HR and Communications executive for a Fortune 100, and counts some of the world's largest brands among her client base. Her work has received awards in Europe and North America. In 2019 she was inducted into the Order of New Brunswick for her achievements in the fields of leadership and diversity.

’Regardless of where you fall on the leadership pendulum today...
this session is guaranteed to get YOU to the next level!’


Vera Milan Gervais
Author, Speaker, Successful Businesswoman

Wordz We WearTM

How would your life change if you weren’t limited by what other people think you can do? What would be different in your life, your career, your relationships, your health? The answer to what's holding you back from achieving your dreams may be the words that you use to describe yourself. In this session you’ll learn how words become “labels” that change the way we feel about ourselves, and what we think we deserve. Learn how to identify the words that limit you, and how to change your life with by changing the way you talk about yourself.

Vera Milan Gervais calls herself a thinker, writer, travel-aholic and rebel. Others know her as a mother, a partner, a successful serial entrepreneur, and one of the founders of HealthConnect Inc. She has been honoured with several awards for her contribution to the healthcare industry as well as being named a YWCA Woman of Distinction in Business.

Vera knows first-hand that the way we describe ourselves can directly impact our success. Her unconventional career made her an early trailblazer in male-dominated careers like Accounting and Information systems before she abandoned logic and documentation to pursue a Communication Arts degree. She led a prominent medical advertising agency before she turned 30, and her portfolio includes numerous strategic marketing and health education programs for major packaged goods and prescription products.

An adventurous introvert with way too much curiosity and an instinct for seeing solutions, Vera claims to hold a “Masters in Mistakes” and an interest in working on a “PhD in Disrupting Bias”. Her keynote highlights the power of words to limit or empower us in all aspects of life.

Eleanor Austin 
President, New Marketing Today

Be the CEO of YOU:-10Step Formula to Rock the Brand of YOU on LinkedIn

Today, who you are online matters. 
How confident are you in your LinkedIn Profile? Does it represent the brand of YOU? Does it differentiate you from the global crowd? 
Seize the opportunity to learn how to create a winning A+ LinkedIn Profile to magnetize attention, build and host your own valuable network, and establish your excellent reputation on the largest professional network on the planet.

In this session, you’ll discover the:
-Formula to an A+ LinkedIn Profile
-Etiquette required to develop your valuable network
-Three key elements worth prioritizing your effort 
-Strategy to leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow and showcase the brand of YOU

Seeking the Innovative and Discovering the New, define Eleanor’s professional life. Her media career at CBC focused on designing and producing daily radio shows, chasing breaking news stories, awakening unheard voices and stories. 
In Tech Marketing, it was the customer’s voice she championed in the design of NEW-to-the-WORLD products and services.

Now, with New Marketing Today, Eleanor leads training sessions, speaks at conferences, and guides business leaders and career professionals on how to amplify their voice, leveraging the world’s largest professional online network, LinkedIn, to successfully build their brand, business, career and reputation.
Eleanor brings her marketing savvy to her service on committees and boards, including Imperial Theatre and Women in Communications & Technology.

Get your tickets today and join us for an epic day...celebrating YOU!!